
How To Fix Slow XIAOMI 12T PRO To Run Faster and More Responsive (Fix Lagging Performance)?

Easy solutions for fix XIAOMI 12T PRO run slowly troubles. This is flagship smartphone that work with Android 12 operating system. It is powered by high-end processor Qualcomm SM8475 for best performance. However, some users get lagging issues when playing games or doing some other activity. What should we do? Please read some information about how to make XIAOMI 12T PRO run more faster.


Why XIAOMI 12T PRO Performance Become Slow and Not Responsive ?

This phone work with fast 4 nm processor Qualcomm SM8475 Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 that has total Octa-core CPU. They are work with three clusters. First with 3.19 GHz Cortex-X2 for fast performance, the second clusters work with triple 2.75 GHz Cortex-A710 for high-end applications and the last cluster work with quad core 2.0 GHz Cortex-A510 for battery efficiency.

XIAOMI 12T PRO has two RAM options with 8 GB or 12 GB for support multitasking apps. However, if we run too many apps together in the background or foreground, then processor resources and RAM will be not enough. At this time XIAOMI 12T PRO will try to find which the oldest not use application, and try to force close to give more RAM resources. When this process happen, this phone will freezing for a while. Please do not install or run too many applications together.

In many case, the slowly troubles will be happen if we run too many applications together. It will consume more RAM and processor resources. Therefore we suggest to uninstall some not use applications if we do not really use that apps. Some of them will run in the background to wait data update and consume more RAM. Remove some applications will help this phone to run more faster.

Slowly issues also happen because of other problems beside RAM. We need to know how many internal storage free capacity left, because if the internal storage is full, then the performance of XIAOMI 12T PRO also will be reduced or become slowly.

Some issue of XIAOMI 12T PRO lag happen because of applications. But we also find some XIAOMI 12T PRO become lagging because the usage of non original firmware or custom rom.


Why XIAOMI 12T PRO Lagging or Slowly When Playing Some Games ?

The most important things to playing games are Processor, GPU and RAM. This phone work with high-end processor Qualcomm SM8475 Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 and fast GPU Adreno 730, therefore playing any games should work without lagging. However, usually slowly or lagging gaming also happen because insufficient RAM. Please try to soft reset our XIAOMI 12T PRO before playing heavy gaming for clean all previous applications temporary files and caches.


How to Boost Speed Performance of XIAOMI 12T PRO And Make It Run More Faster?

  1. First steps that you should do is doing soft reset or reboot to remove temporary files and caches. Usually after our phone finish reboot, then the speed performance might become faster.
  2. Please uninstall all not use applications. We can try to find from menu Setting > Apps, and choose not active applications, then choose Uninstall.
  3. Some factory default applications do not have Uninstall button options, but we can disable by choose Disable button at menu Setting > Apps > Disable at our phone. This steps also can reduce the usage of RAM and processor resources.
  4. If all solutions still not improve the performance, then please consider to do hard reset to factory default. Follow steps at XIAOMI 12T PRO Hard Reset / Reformat page using Setting menu or Hardware button combination Key.

Please note, some menu options will be different because firmware update or some other possibilities. Please use comment options below for other question to discuss.


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