Tips and tricks solutions for SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 (SIII) MINI I8190 problem. Before we start share how to solving problem at SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190, we have to know that this product have several type with special different functions. There are SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 with N (I8190N), this is SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI which also have NFC which is sold in specific country. Of course the price for SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190N with NFC will more expensive then I8190 without NFC. According the the name SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 is the smaller smartphone if compare with SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 I9300 because the LCD screen wide for S3 Mini I8190 is 4 inches while the S3 I9300 have 4.8 inches LCD screen. The processor also reduce to make the battery still ok for daily usage.
What is Main Advantage of SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 :
LCD 4 inches Super AMOLED Capacitive Touchscreen
Processor 1 GHz dual-core Cortex-A9 with GPU
Memory Internal 8 or 16 GB ROM with 1GB RAM
External Memory slot Micro SD up to 32GB
Main Camera 5 MP, 2592×1944 pixels, autofocus, LED flash
Front camera for Video Conference
Operating System Android OS, v4.1 (Jelly Bean)
Battery Li-Ion 1500 mAh
How to Fix or Problem Solving for Recovery SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 hang or not responding or malfunctions or stuck or freezing or bricked ?
For doing daily work with SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 such as check and send email, chatting and texting, browsing, playing game, watch movie, listen to the music, take and edit picture and many activity can be done smoothly. But not all applications at Google Play Store are compatible with SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190. The applications can make SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 become stuck or hang or frozen or bricks or LCD touch screen not responding. If the problem happen, you need to try doing soft reset or reboot or restart SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 to delete any temporary files and cache. If the problem is still happening than you need to do hard reset with master format.
How to Soft Reset or Reboot or Restart SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 ?
When our SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 got problem, sometime we need to do soft reset or restart for clean unresponsive applications cache or temporary files. Thanks to Samsung who create SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 battery removable, so for anyone who get problem or stuck at their phone, can do soft reset or restart easily by remove the battery and plug it again after several seconds. If the phone still ON and we need to soft reset or restart SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190, press the POWER BUTTON KEY for several seconds, we will see the menu to restart or turn off. Choose restart/reboot than the SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 will do the soft reset or restart. This is safe to do because all data or installed applications will not removed.
#Option 1, How to Hard Reset SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 with software menu:
#Option 2, How to Hard Reset SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 with Hardware key button:
#Option 3, How to Hard Reset SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 with Secret Key Code Security:
How to Restore and Reinstall Clean Android Operating system / firmware at SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 ?
The clean and factory default Android operating system of SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 already saved in ROM. So if the SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 got problem and we need to do reinstall or restore the default Android operating system or firmware, then we can do it easily with just do hard reset or master format, the operating system inside ROM will be automatically reinstall to SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190. Please remember, doing this step will make all important data and applications will be wipe, so you need to do backup as you can.
How to Unlock or Fix or Bypass or Solutions for SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 forgot password code or security lock screen pattern or pin (lost password)?
When we need to give more protection for secure our SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190, we can choose several way, but we recommended to protect you Android SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 with screen lock pattern or password pin protection. We think screen lock pattern is faster than password and able to use at any situations. If we forget about the answer of screen lock pattern or password pin protection, we can restore or by pass it by pressing Forget Password / Pattern button answering Google account username and password which already saved before. That button is sometime hiding, to make it appear, please try answer wrong password answer continuously then the Forget Password / Pattern button will be appear. If we can not answer the Google account username and password at SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190, than we need to do hard reset or master format step above.
How to Improve Performance SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 to make run more faster?
Some user ask about how good SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 to run many applications or multitasking application, the answer is SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 good to run multitasking, since it have dual core processor and 1GB RAM are enough to do that job. But in some situations, the SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 still become run slowly. Yes this problem can be happen at any situations, although SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 spec is good, but we not recommended user to install as many applications as you can, because some applications who run in the background can take a lot of resource and sometime it will make SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 become slower. To make SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 performance back to faster again, you can try to delete some applications and do soft reset. If you can not deal with the speed, than you may consider performing hard reset or master format.
Is That Any Secret Code for Doing Format SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 ?
The secret code for doing hard reset SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 is *2767*3855#. But please remember to always becareful typing that code, because the SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 will doing hard reset and remove all data and installed applications.
How to make Longer Life for SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 Battery ?
Long lasting battery usage is important when using SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190. Since it use only 1500 mAh battery capacity will make our experience become stop when the battery start to drain. There are some tips for make SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 battery life longer or not to fast to drain. Please do not choose auto brightness if you can, because the auto brightness in some situation will make it force to maximum brightness. Of course maybe you need that bright, but it will make our SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 battery drain faster. Also choose the best place to use 3G or 2G data connection. Turn off all not use connection such as GPS or Wifi or Bluetooth or NFC (for I8190N). Make the screen auto sleep is not more than 30 seconds. Also reducing the background process applications will give impact for make SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 battery more longer to life before need to recharge. That steps are important to improve SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 battery live performance.
The first time release in the market, SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 use Android Jelly Bean. Officially we can not get above version of Android Jelly Bean for official firmware upgrade at SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190 like official Android Lollipop or Android Marshmallow or Android Nougat. However, the usage of official firmware will make this phone still work fine without any problems, just we will not get any new facilities or display. There are some community website give options to flash with other Android version like Android Nougat or Android Oreo, but there are some bugs when we use that custom ROM. Please consider to always use official firmware Android operating system if we want to use stable SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 MINI I8190.
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Hi pls help. i am not able to download anything from play store. Cleared data, cleared cache, even reset my phone to factory setting and still no luck. What can i do?
Hi, you have done hard reset but still can not download anything from Google Play Store, please try to reformat again and try to sign-up with new Google account, to make sure whether this problems happen because your Google account or not. The other alternative if try to change the Wifi connection or use GSM Internet data network to use download anything using Google Play Store at your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini.
my samsung galaxy s3 mini is asking of a privacy protection password and i dont know it.what should i do.pleas help me
Hi, if you have to try doing hard reset first to reformat the operating system of your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini to factory default. If you phone still get the some problems, then maybe you have to bring to Samsung authorize to remove anti theft protections.
i would like to ask some help about my s3 mini...
the internal storage turned 0.00 bytes
i can't download any apps even root apps
hard reset is not working
it keeps restarting
please help
Hi, it seems that you have rooted your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, unfortunately we can not give good answer for your trouble because there are many non standard possibilities that might happen to your rooted Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini. Please try to consult with previous community that give advice to root because they may have solutions for your trouble.
Galaxy S3 mini -> pattern is locked.
'Home button' is broken.
How todo a full reset without the 'home button'
Hi, unfortunatelly you can not hard reset with reformat your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini using hardware button combination key if the home key button is broken. However, you can try to bypass or restore pattern lock using Google account. Please try to give several time wrong answer continuously until your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini freezing, then you can find Forgot Pattern button, press this button and you can give your Gmail username and password that you have already signed-in before. If still can not unlock, then please bring your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini to Samsung authorize service center.
i was using app lock on my galaxy s3 mini,gt 18190. i have uninstall it and then after 1 week my phone was asking for privacy protection password so i cannot even use it now. i tried the app lock password and the hard reset process but non of them work. help me please
Hi, we are not sure about 3th party applications lock like AppLock, but if you can not fix this trouble, then you have to do hard reset. Please do not forget to backup all data at your Samsung Galaxy S3 before doing hard reset or master format.
*2767*3855# code nt working
to hard reset
nd volume buton nd home butn
process nt working
help me to reset it hardly
Hi, we recommended to do hard reset using hardware button for reinstall factory default operating system at your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini
My samsung s3 mini had a pattern but my brother locked it with too many attempts. I cant remember my email that I used in the phone. I have tried the hard reset steps but to no success. On following the steps it be passes the hard reset menu and displays the screen asking for google acc. What do I do?
Hi, if you can not unlock your forgotten pattern using Google account, then the only steps to recover your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini is using hardware button combination key to restore factory default operating system. Please follow steps at #option 2 above carefully because that steps are working for almost all Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, unless you have use custom rom or done some rooted tweak.
I am using samsumg gt 18190.I formatted it. now everything works but I cant make calls nor send or receive any moment in time a pop up menu appears at the top screen saying."restricted access change". pls I need help.
Hi, maybe you should try to use different simcard network provider just to make sure this problems is not comes from your simcard. However, if still can not work, then please consult with Samsung authorize service center.
hey. i did a hard reset on my s3mini but still on it does the freezing thing, and it is perfoming as if it has virus
Hi, usually after finish reformat or hard reset, your Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini will reinstall from beginning to factory default. Please make sure your follow the correct steps and your ROM is official (not using custom rom). After your phone already done hard reset, please do not login with any previous Google account, because sometime it may restore previous old cloud backup from Google server. You may try to create new Google account and test to use your phone for several hours.
my samsang s3 has freezed on the samsang start up doesn't continue.....I have tried pressin the volume up powwer n home buttons together bt it shows norhing just restarts again. some help pliz
Hi, it seems that your Samsung Galaxy S3 mini get hardware trouble, because you can not perform hardware button combination key to do hard reset. Please check your hardware to Samsung authorize service center.